Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions that frequently arise when someone is thinking about Hospice services. We welcome your questions or e-mails if you have further questions or wish to discuss your unique circumstances.

1. When should a decision about utilizing hospice services be made?
At any time during a life-limiting illness, it’s appropriate to discuss all care options, including hospice. EUP Home Health & Hospice can accept a patient with a life expectancy of six months or less. The patient does not need to be bed- or house-bound. Hospice staff will tailor care to each patient’s individual needs.

2. Should I wait for our physician to raise the possibility of hospice?
The patient and family should feel free to discuss hospice care at any time with their physician. In fact, some physicians say that it is difficult to know when the family or patient is ready to discuss hospice, so taking the first step signals your readiness to the physician.

3. Is hospice care for cancer patients only?
No. In fact, patients with a variety of illnesses have benefited from hospice care over the years. Any individual with an illness that limits life expectancy to less than a year can benefit enormously from hospice.

4. Can a hospice patient who shows signs of recovery be returned to regular medical treatment?
Certainly. If the patient’s condition improves and the disease seems to be in remission, patients can be discharged from hospice and return to regular medical treatment.

5. How does hospice manage pain for my loved one?
Hospice nurses and doctors are up to date on the latest medications and devices for pain and symptom relief. Hospice believes that emotional and spiritual pain are just as real and in need of attention and can provide the patient and family with the assistance of counselors or clergy.

6. Do I have to obtain special equipment to have in-home hospice care?
Hospice staff will assess your needs and then recommend equipment that may assist in home care. In that event, hospice will help make necessary arrangements, the cost of which is covered by hospice. Often the need for equipment is minimal at first, but may increase as the disease progresses.

7. How much does hospice cost?

If you have Medicare, hospice is 100% covered by your Medicare hospice benefit.  No deductible, no copay and no money out-of-pocket.  Patients with other types of health care insurance may or may not have to meet a deductible or have a copay.